Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Alben 2016 Florian Schairer

Stand: 14.12.2016 | Archiv

Playlisten | Bild: BR
Die Top 20 der Alben
01. PJ HarveyThe Hope Six Demolition Project
02. Iggy PopPost Pop Depression
03. Bon Iver22, A Million
04. Parquet CourtsHuman Performance
05. The KillsAsh & Ice
06. Car Seat HeadrestTeens Of Denial
07. Hamilton Leithouser + RostamI Had A Dream That You Were Mine
08. Isolation BerlinUnd Aus Den Wolken Tropft Die Zeit
09. The PixiesHead Carries
10. Glass AnimalsHow To Be A Human Being
11. Leonard CohenYou Want It Darker
12. Michael KiwanukaLove & Hate
13. Elephants From NeptuneOh No
14. SlowcoachesNothing Gives
15. Kyle Divon & Michale SteinStranger Things OST
16. David BowieBlackstar
17. WhitneyLight Upon The Lake
18. Kate TempestLet Them Eat Chaos
19. Die HeiterkeitPop & Tod I+II
20. Deap VallyFemejism