Bayern 2 - Zündfunk

Playlist Michael Bartle / Amy Zayed

Stand: 18.12.2021

Playlisten | Bild: BR

18 Dezember

Samstag, 18. Dezember 2021

Marianne Faithful
It's all over now
Albu: Marianne Faithful

Marianne Faithful
As tears go by
Album: As tears go by

Marianne Faithful
Come and stay with me
Album: Marianne Faithful

Rolling Stones
Sympathy for the devil
Album: Sympathy for the devil

Rolling Stones
You can't always get what you want
Album: Single

Marianne Faithful
Witches Song
Album: Broken English

Marianne Faithful
The ballad of Lucy Jordan
Album: Broken English

Marianne Faithful
Why d'ya do it?
Album: Broken English

Marianne Faithful
Kissin' Time
Album: Kissin' Time

Marianne Faithful
Broken English
Album: Broken English