Bayern 2 - Zündfunk

Playlist Roderich Fabian

Stand: 28.10.2021

Playlisten | Bild: BR

28 Oktober

Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2021

Viagra Boys
Ain'T nice
Album: Welfare Jazz

Laer meg at dansa
Album: Cazador de Ostras

Sierra Leone Refugee All Stars
Living like a refugee
Album: LIving like a refugee

Hand Habits
No difference
Abum: Fun House

Karen Peris
George in the car
Album: A song is way above the Lawn

Paradise (Demo)
Album: M Sessions (Compilation)

Mania D
Radiator (Natalia Beridze Mix)
Album: M Sessions (Compilation)

Avant de partir
Album: Chez Simon

Eleanor McEvoy
Found out by fate
Album: Gimme some wine