Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Alben 2020 Thomas Mehringer

Published at: 9-12-2020 | Archiv

Thomas Mehringer, Oktober 2018. | Bild: BR/Lisa Hinder
Die Top 20 der Alben
01. Three Queens In Mourning & Bonnie Prince BillyHello Sorrow / Hello Joy
02. SAULTUntitled (Black is)
03. All diese GewaltAndere
04. SAULTUntitled (Rise)
05. Kelly Lee OwensInner Song
06. CorikyCoriky
07. Fiona AppleFetch The Bolt Cutters
08. Bill CallahanGold Record
09. Sandra HüllerBe Your Own Prince
10. Yves TumorHeaven To A Tortured Mind
11. Haiytisui sui
12. Run The JewelsRTJ4
13. Roísín MurphyRoísin Machine
14. Dirty Projectors5EPs
15. Kinderzimmer ProductionsTodesverachtung To Go
16. Ela Minusacts of rebellion
17. KhruangbinMordechai
18. Jeff TweedyLove Is The King
19. Kevin MorbySundowner
20. Bob DylanRough And Rowdy Ways