Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Alben 2020 Roderich Fabian

Published at: 8-12-2020 | Archiv

Roderich Fabian, Oktober 2018. | Bild: BR/Lisa Hinder
Die Top 20 der Alben
01. Bright EyesDown in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was
02. Sufjan StevensThe Acension
03. WaxahatcheeSaint Cloud
04. SAULTUntitled (Rise)
05. Perfume GeniusSet my Heart on Fire immediately
06. Kassa OverallI Think I'm Good
07. Squirrel FlowerI Was Born Swimming
08. This Is The KitOff Off On
09. Bob DylanRough and Rowdy Ways
10. The WeekndAfter Hours
11. Dan DeaconMystic Familiar
12. Hen OgleddFree Humans
13. The Bobby LeesSkin Suit
14. Zebra KatzLESS IS MOOR
15. Rustin ManClockdust
16. QuakersII: The Next Wave
17. Sorry925
18. Gil Scott-Heron & Majaya McCravenWe're New Again, a Reimagening by Makaya McCraven
19. The Cool GreenhouseThe Cool Greenhouse
20. Yorkston/Thorne/KhanNavarasa: Nine Emotions