Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Playlist Alexandra Distler

Stand: 04.09.2016

Playlisten | Bild: BR

04 September

Sonntag, 04. September 2016

Darkside: A1
Album: Darkside
Clown And Sunset‎– CS008

Die goldenen Zitronen: Wenn ich ein Turnschuh wär
Album: Lenin
Buback‎– BTT 85-2

Hauschka: Sanhzi Pod City
Album: Abandoned City
City Slang– SLANG50060

Ellen Allien: Ondu
Album: Sool
BPitch Control‎– BPC 175

Den Sorte Skole: Magnetic
Album: III
Not On Label (Den Sorte Skole Self-released)‎

Boozoo Bajou: Your weak fire
Album: 4
Apollo‎– AMB1404CD

Den Sorte Skole: Lowmax
Album: Indians & Cowboys
Not On Label (Den Sorte Skole Self-released)‎– DSS009

Biosphere: Colpa Mia
Album: Compilation 1991-2004
Biophon Records‎– BIO7D

Gut Und Irmler: Mandarine
Album: 500 M
Bureau B‎– BB177

Darkside: A2
Album: Darkside
Clown And Sunset‎– CS008

Darkside: The only shrine I've got
Album: Psychic
Other People‎– OP003,Matador‎– OLE-1035-2

Gut Und Irmler: Chlor
Album: 500m
Bureau B‎– BB177