Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Playlist Markus Köbnik

Stand: 12.04.2014

Playlisten | Bild: BR

12 April

Samstag, 12. April 2014

Actress: Towers
Album: Ghettoville
WDNTCD006 L / Ninja Tune

Boards Of Canada: Uritual
Album: Tomorrow's Harvest
0801061825720 /Warp

Diverse: Structure Part 8
Album: Walls of sound - Fields, statics, drones, loopes ambiences for film
Egobooster 1002

Actress: Time
Album: Ghettoville
WDNTCD006 /Ninja Tune

Diverse: Structure Part 8
Album: Walls of sound - Fields, statics, drones, loopes ambiences for film
Egobooster 1002

Diverse: Structure Part 8
Album: Walls of sound - Fields, statics, drones, loopes ambiences for film
Egobooster 1002

Diverse: Structure Part 2
Album: Walls of sound - Fields, statics, drones, loopes ambiences for film
Egobooster 1002

Zomby: Memories
Album: With Love
4ad/Beggars Group

Diverse: Structure Part 8
Album: Walls of sound - Fields, statics, drones, loopes ambiences for film
Egobooster 1002

Oneohtrix Point Never: Cryo
Album: R plus seven

Diverse: Structure Part 8
Album: Walls of sound - Fields, statics, drones, loopes ambiences for film
Egobooster 1002

Diverse: Structure Part 8
Album: Walls of sound - Fields, statics, drones, loopes ambiences for film
Egobooster 1002

The Notwist: Lichter (Console Remix)
Album: Lichter
Alien Transitor No. 5

Boards Of Canada: Uritual
Album: Tomorrow's Harvest
0801061825720 / WARP

Veli: Yksin
Album: Single