Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Playlist Judith Schnaubelt

Stand: 07.04.2023

Playlisten | Bild: BR

07 April

Freitag, 07. April 2023

Carl Craig
At Les
Album: In Order to Dance 5, Disc 2    

Marvin Gaye
A Funky Space Reincarnation 
Album: Here, My Dear

Akua Naru
Poetry - How does it feel
Album: Live & Aflame Sessions

Silk Sonic
Love's Train  
Album: An Evening With Silk Sonic

Stereo Total
Liebe zu dritt
Album: Party Anticonformiste 

Barry White + Love Unlimited Orchestra
I'm gonna love you just a little bit more e     
Album: The Very Best Of Barry Whit

Grace Jones
Jamaican Guy
Album: Island Life

The thief that stole my sad days - Ya blessin' me
Album: The thief that stole my sad days - 12”