Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Playlist Roderich Fabian

Stand: 27.11.2017

Playlisten | Bild: BR

26 November

Sonntag, 26. November 2017

Ania Schneider: WMF
Album: So Me

Chloé: Because it’s there
Album: Endless Revisions
Lumière Noire

Yasuaki Shimizu: Seiko
Album: Made to Measure Vol.12 - Music for Commercials
Crammed Discs

Shigeto: Detroit II
Album: The New Monday
Ghostly International

Vin Sol: Patronize
Album: Moonchild EP
Honey Soundsystem

Radio Citizen: SaraSong
Album: Silent Guide
Sonar Kollektiv

The Clash: I fought the Law
Album: (Single)