Jetzt Tek It Cafuné

Info Zwei Fun-Facts über Cafuné: 1. Der Bandname ist Portugiesisch und bedeutet so viel wie „Liebkosung“. 2. In einer Privataudienz am NYU Clive Davis Institute durfte das Duo Pharell Williams einen ihrer Songs persönlich vorspielen.


on3-Festival English Info

Here you find information about the on3-Festival which is located in the historic concert halls of Bayerischer Rundfunk, the broadcasting centre in central Munich.

Stand: 20.08.2010 | Archiv

Orchesterstudio, Orchesterstudios, Studio, Bayerischer Rundfunk, on3-Festival | Bild: BR

on3 is part of Bayerischer Rundfunk, the biggest public broadcasting station in Southern Germany. on3 is a multimedia station with a presence on radio, television, and the web. on3 delivers serious and dedicated journalism on issues from pop to politics for a young audience.

For our annual on3-Festival we are especially interested in innovative acts whose style and credibility cohere with the principles and philosophy of our radio program and the high expectations of our interactively involved audience. With the select of bands for the on3-Festival we follow the principles of our musical editors, who guarantee the high quality broadcast of unknown regional Bavarian acts as well as unpublished music from the internet in addition to internationally well-known bands.

The on3-Festival is located in the historic concert halls of our broadcasting centre in central Munich. It has been called the biggest indoor radio festival in Europe and in only a few years it has gained a very positive reputation among young music lovers in Bavaria as well as among music journalists.