alpha Lernen - Englisch

Forms of verbs Verbs followed by to-infinitive and/or gerund

Stand: 07.10.2016

Common verbs followed by the to-infinitive are:

choose, decide, expect, promise or help.

I decided to see a show tonight.

Common verbs followed by the gerund are:

avoid, enjoy, admit, like or remember.

I like going out.

Some of them come with a preposition:

Rose dreams of being an actress.

After some words we use the structure verb + object + to-infinitive. This includes:

advise, ask, allow, expect or want.

I don't want the play to start without me!

Some verbs can be followed by the to-infinitive or the gerund, like:

love or prefer.

I love to go to the theatre.
I love going to the theatre.