alpha Lernen - Englisch

Language registers Levels of formality

Von: Adrian Doff

Stand: 24.11.2016

Variety of a language

A language register is a variety of a language, used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting.

Appropriate register

The appropriate register depends on the audience, the topic and the means of communication.

Levels of formality

There are three levels of formality:

  • formal,
  • informal and
  • familiar register.

Every register comes with its own use of grammar and vocabulary.

Formal register

You use the formal register in serious situations, when you talk with people you don't know well or in written correspondence, like essays or formal letters. The focus is information, the language is abstract and complex.

Informal register

You use the informal register in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know. It is used in most conversations, but also in written correspondence, like personal emails. The information often contains a personal aspect, the vocabulary includes everyday words. The sentences are shorter.

Familiar register

The familiar register is a very relaxed style of language, used with people we know very well. It is used in conversations and in text messages and chats. It contains contractions, interjections and abbreviations. The vocabulary is very casual and might even include some slang expressions.