

Mediation Charles Lindbergh

Hier findest du einen spannenden Text über Charles Lindbergh. Er flog 1927 als erster Mensch über den Atlantik. Du kannst dir den Text durchlesen - und ihn sogar anhören. In einer Übung kannst du dich testen.

Stand: 27.10.2011 | Archiv

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Mediation: A Pioneer of Flight

Elisa: Oh, is this your report on "Pioneers of Flight" you're just doing? Can I have a look?
Verena: Sure.
Elisa: Can I read it?
Verena: Yes, of course. Here you are:

I want to talk about Charles Lindbergh because he was a real pioneer of flight. He was born in Detroit in 1902. His father worked for the US government and his mother was a chemistry teacher. When Charles was a child, aeroplanes were something totally new and the little boy was fascinated by these inventions.
When he grew older he went to a school where he could learn how to fly and repair planes. After that he joined the army and became a professional pilot.

His first job as a pilot was flying a route between St Louis and Chicago. He had to deliver letters and parcels. Some time later, Charles Lindberg bought himself a plane, which he named "The spirit of St Louis". It was this exact plane that helped Lindbergh, in 1927, to become the first man to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Lindbergh flew from New York to Paris non-stop. The trip took 33 hours and 39 minutes. He won the enormous sum of 25,000$ for this historic flight.

Five years later Lindbergh was in the press again but this time it was a tragic event. His son had been kidnapped and killed. In his later years, Lindbergh became a famous author, an international explorer, a gifted inventor and an active environmentalist. Charles Lindbergh died in 1974.

Elisa: Hey, did you write this all by yourself?
Verena: Sure, well, to be honest, my boyfriend Sidney helped me a bit.
Elisa: Ahh.

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