Telekolleg - Englisch


Telekolleg Englisch 45 America - People and Places: South Carolina

Das vierte Trimester - "Englisch - Landeskunde Amerika: "America - People and Places" - führt uns in den Bundesstaat South Carolina, den wir in der 45. Lektion näher kennenlernen.

Stand: 10.04.2019 | Archiv

Im Mittelpunkt des 4. Trimesters stehen Interviews mit Personen aus unterschiedlichsten Berufszweigen und in verschiedensten Lebenssituationen.

Unsere wichtigsten Interviewpartner in South Carolina

James E. Talley is the Mayor of Spartanburg. Spartanburg has a population of 46.000 including an increasing number of people from outside the US who have come to South Carolina to work for international companies. There is no doubt in the Mayor's mind how much his city has gained from having such a diversified community.

Robert M. Hitt works for BMW at their plant in Spartanburg. He talks to Roland H. Windham, Jr., a government official, about the next stage of the company's expansion program. Robert is concerned about the problems the company may encounter with the interstate highway. If there was a crash on one of the exits outside the plant, for example, this would have a severe effect on production. Another important issue for BMW is the deregulation of the electric industry. BMW would like to know how much the state of South Carolina can help them to generate power as efficiently as possible.

Alduous Williams is a process engineer responsible for industrializing new products at the BMW plant in Greenville, South Carolina. Alduous enjoys working for a German company. He has found the German people helpful and cooperative. Alduous has been to Germany on many occasions and is taking German classes. Even his next door neighbor is German.