alpha Lernen - Englisch

Small talk Opening up & flirting

Von: André Goerschel

Stand: 20.09.2023

Bantering: teasing, playful remarks

The British sense of humor is world famous. Bantering is very popular, especially between men – it is an exchange of teasing, playful remarks, and it is usually good-natured.

Safe topics: sports, films, travelling, weather

But at the start – choose safe topics for your small talk conversations. Like sports, films, travelling or the weather.

Opening up: likes & dislikes, not too personal

When getting closer and opening up, be prepared to talk about your likes and dislikes, but don't embarass people with information that is too personal.

Flirting: gentlemen? feelings & intimacy

When flirting – don't always expect the perfect English gentleman. According to anthropologists, the average English person is not comfortable talking about feelings and handling intimate situations ...

Anwers: yes + statement

If you answer a question, don't just say yes or no – add something to keep up the conversation: Yes, that's really unusual.

Saying goodbye takes time and multiple goodbyes.

Take your time: multiple goodbyes

Saying goodbye takes time and multiple goodbyes.

Polite: multiple thank yous

Be polite and say thank you, more than once.

See you: intention to see each other again

And: express your intention to see each other again, that's very important.