Telekolleg - Englisch


Telekolleg Englisch 52 America - People and Places: Nova Scotia

Das vierte Trimester - "Englisch - Landeskunde Amerika: "America - People and Places" - führt uns in die kanadische Provinz Nova Scotia, die wir in der 52. Lektion näher kennenlernen.

Stand: 10.04.2019 | Archiv

Im Mittelpunkt des 4. Trimesters stehen Interviews mit Personen aus unterschiedlichsten Berufszweigen und in verschiedensten Lebenssituationen.

Unsere wichtigsten Interviewpartner in Nova Scotia

Wayne Melanson guides visitors around a reconstruction of the first French colony in North America, at Port Royal at Nova Scotia. Wayne goes through some of the rooms - the blacksmith's shop, the kitchen, the community room, the artisan's workshop, the apothecary's room and the Governor's room - and talks about some of the objects on display.

Alan Syliboy is a Micmac artist from Truro, Nova Scotia. Alan talks about Micmac art and culture and its place in Canada today. He also mentions some of the problems he has encountered in school growing up as a Micmac in an English-speaking environment.

Ralf Getson is the Curator of Education at the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. Ralf talks about the importance of fishing for Nova Scotia and how fishing practices have changed through the centuries.