Telekolleg - Englisch


Telekolleg Englisch 40 America - People and Places: Massachusetts

Das vierte Trimester - "Englisch - Landeskunde Amerika: "America - People and Places" - führt uns in den US-Bundesstaat Massachusetts, den wir in der 40. Lektion näher kennenlernen.

Stand: 10.04.2019 | Archiv

Im Mittelpunkt des 4. Trimesters stehen Interviews mit Personen aus unterschiedlichsten Berufszweigen und in verschiedensten Lebenssituationen.

Unsere wichtigsten Interviewpartner in Massachusetts

Nathalie Disfloth, an art director at "The Boston Globe", designs the cover page for the calendar section of the newspaper. Nathalie explains how, using artistic creativity and state-of-the-art computing, she designed a recent cover about Cape Cod.

Linda A. Hill is a professor at the Harvard Business School. Linda has responsibility for a number of areas at the School including the use of technology in the classroom. Linda talks about what happened when she got involved in a project to turn a book on management that she had written into an multimedia product.

Ellen Spear, the Director of the Computer Museum in Boston, talks about a part of the exhibition which shows the cutting edge in computer technology.