Telekolleg - Englisch


Telekolleg Englisch 46 America - People and Places: Georgia

Das vierte Trimester - "Englisch - Landeskunde Amerika: "America - People and Places" - führt uns in den Bundesstaat Georgia, den wir in der 46. Lektion näher kennenlernen.

Stand: 10.04.2019 | Archiv

Im Mittelpunkt des 4. Trimesters stehen Interviews mit Personen aus unterschiedlichsten Berufszweigen und in verschiedensten Lebenssituationen.

Unsere wichtigsten Interviewpartner in Georgia

John Mann and Ralitsa Vassileva both work for CNN International in Atlanta. Jonathan talks mainly about Atlanta, the future of the city and the people who live there. Raissa tells us more about herself - about how she came to the USA from Bulgaria and how month after getting her anchoring job with CNN, she began to realize how much she needed to adapt in a country so far away from home.

Major Vida Longmire is a Military Police Officer in the United States Army. She works at Forces Command in Atlanta. At present she does administrative duties supporting the MP units within the United States. We see Major Longmire in various everyday encounters - talking to colleagues, borrowing a book from the library and working out in the gym.

Pastor Joseph L. Roberts, Jr. ist pastor of a famous church - Ebenezer Baptist Church in Alabama. This is the church that Martin Luther King pastored with his father from 1960 to 1968. Pastor Roberts talks about Dr. King, his struggle against segregation, his policy of non-violence and his belief in educational opportunities.