

GRIPS Englisch 31 Sachtext: Fudge

Hier erklärt dir Camilla eine typisch britische Süßigkeit: Fudge. Du erfährst, wie die kleinen Karamellbonbons gemacht werden. Den Text kannst du dir durchlesen so oft du magst. Danach kannst du dich in den Übungen dazu testen.

Stand: 27.10.2011 | Archiv

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Text: Fudge (Karamellbonbons)

Michael: Camilla, could you explain to us what "fudge" is?
Camilla: Well, fudge is a soft and chewy sweet.
Michael: Tell us, what are the main ingredients of fudge?
Camilla: Fudge is actually made by mixing sugar, butter and milk. The mixture is then heated to and boiled at a temperature of about 110° to 120° C. After that the mixture is beaten. When it begins to cool it gets its typically smooth, soft and creamy quality.
Michael: Sounds delicious. What is the most popular type of fudge in Britain?
Camilla: Well, I think it is chocolate fudge. But I know a lot of people who prefer vanilla fudge.
Michael: That would be a bit too sweet for me.
Camilla: Anyway, if you are at the next Highland Games or if you are in Great Britain, don't forget to try some fudge. Hmmm.

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